SIERRA NEVADA REFERRAL GROUPSierra Nevada Referral Group (SNRG) – a referral only company, has been established for people who want to maintain an active Nevada Real Estate License. IMPORTANT: These individuals understand they are solely engaged in referring clients or customers and are not engaged in listing, selling, leasing or managing real property. They maintain their license in a referral organization.
how you benefit from SNRG
Benefits Associated
- Exempt from annual dues to the National Association of REALTORS (NAR)
- Exempt from annual dues to Nevada REALTORS (NVR) formerly called the Nevada Association of REALTORS (NVAR)
- Exempt from annual dues to your local association like Sierra Nevada REALTORS (SNR) or Incline Village Board of REALTORS (IVBOR)
- Exempt from monthly MLS fees